Presentation on Real Estate and Blockchain Technology at Hofstra University

We are happy to report that our CEO and Co-Founder, Dr. Lennart Ante, presented at the “Real Estate and Technology” conference hosted by The Breslin Center for Real Estate Studies and Hofstra University’s Frank G. Zarb School of Business. The event took place on April 22. We would like to thank the organizers for the successful event.
The event aimed to explore the impact of emerging technologies on real estate and other investments, featuring a comprehensive agenda with keynote addresses and a panel discussion. Lennart Ante joined an esteemed panel of experts including:
- Tianpeng Zhou, Assistant Professor of Finance, Frank G. Zarb School of Business, Hofstra University (Moderator)
- Cem Dilmegani, Principal Analyst, AIMultiple
- Elizabeth Eby, Portfolio Controls Financial Engineer EPMS, Finance, Consumers Energy
- Joseph McBride, Senior Director – CRE Product, Moody’s Analytics; Adjunct Professor of Finance, Fordham University
- Amir Moradi, Chair of the Economics and Finance Department, HAN International School of Business, Netherlands
- Rick Taiano, Chief Compliance Officer, nab Securities LLC
The panelists engaged in a dynamic discussion on the intersection of technology and real estate, highlighting innovations, investment strategies, and the role of blockchain in transforming the industry. The event featured keynote speeches by:
- Brad Case, Chief Economist, Middleburg Communities, on “Using Big Data and Non-Artificial Intelligence in Real Estate Development”
- Ali M. Parhizgari, Ryder Systems Research Fellowship Professor, Department of Finance, College of Business, Florida International University, on “Technology, Innovation and Climate Risk”
For more information about the conference or to RSVP for future events, please contact the Breslin Center.
If you are interested in more substantial information about our research or presentations with regards to blockchain & real estate, please feel free to directly reach out to Dr. Lennart Ante.