
Scientific Research on Blockchain Technology for the Benefit of Society

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The Economic Value of Physical Activity: Why Moving More Matters

October 4th, 2024|

Our report titled "Economic Valuation of Physical Activity: A Multilayered Framework" explains just how much physical activity impacts both health and the economy. The report finds that physical activity leads to significant healthcare cost savings, increased productivity, and overall economic gains at individual, corporate, and national levels. The findings demonstrate how much individuals, companies, and even governments can benefit from encouraging regular physical activity.

Research projects

The Blockchain Research Lab is carrying out a series of research projects, some of which are listed here. The primary goal is to explore the implications of blockchain technology for society and to identify potentials, obstacles and recommendations for action.

If you are interested in a joint project or exchange with us, we look forward to hearing from you.

All research projects
Today’s product life cycles are complex and decentralized. It is often difficult to judge the sustainability of a product and its compliance with ecological and social standards. The DiBiChain project partners aim to develop a blockchain system that provides a digital replica of the product life cycle.
AVIK (engl.: automated ground-air intercommnunication in mobility for enhancing interaction and collaboration) focuses on automating and enhancing the interconnectedness of different vehicles and mobility actors (e.g. drones and cars) in the context of data transmission, harmonization, aggregation and monetization.

What we do

The Blockchain Research Lab promotes independent science and research on blockchain technologies and the publication of the results in the form of scientific papers and contributions to conferences and other media. The Blockchain Research Lab is a non-profit organisation aiming, on the one hand, to further the general understanding of the blockchain technology and, on the other hand, to analyse the resulting challenges and opportunities as well as their socio-economic consequences.

Why blockchain?

Blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt digital interaction in our economy and society. The technology’s rapid and dynamic technical development is driven by startups and incumbents alike, creating a myriad of applications across economic and societal domains. However, the implications of this potential new technological paradigm have not yet reached a broader public debate, nor have economic and societal implications been sufficiently addressed by academia.

What is blockchain?

The blockchain is a basic technology that allows values to be securely transferred directly between parties on the Internet. This can result in various advantages, such as higher efficiency by eliminating intermediaries, a higher level of transparency or the automation of processes by means of so-called smart contracts. The special combination of encryption, data verification and reconciliation mechanisms makes it virtually impossible for transactions to be subsequently manipulated or deleted.

Support the Blockchain Research Lab

In order to create and maintain a superb research environment that facilitates independent and interdisciplinary research by our scientists and scholarship holders, as a non-profit organisation, the Blockchain Research Lab depends on your commitment. We welcome all donations that will help us to sustainably change business and society!

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