About the Blockchain Research Lab
The non-profit organisation Blockchain Research Lab is dedicated to independent science and research on blockchain technology and to publishing the results for the benefit of society.
Blockchain Technology, Economy and Society
Most people associate the term ‘blockchain’ first and foremost with the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. And yet blockchain technology means more than Bitcoin. It is a new technology that has the potential to sustainably affect society and the economy, which makes it of great social value. Besides a number of industries, both public administration and political players are taking a keen interest in the development and application of blockchain-based solutions. The technology is being evaluated for implementation in existing business models, and new disruptive business models are emerging. The numerous potential applications are increasingly pushing blockchain technology into the focus of public attention. For example, the technology may in the future help to decentralise energy trading, to promote renewable energy, to combat money laundering, to inform consumers about the origins of their food, to document compliance with sustainability criteria or to introduce blockchain-based certificates of education and autonomous online identities.
New technologies have always affected people’s lives. This applies in particular to digitisation, which is not constrained to an individual sector but rather encompasses all areas of life and business in today’s society. With blockchain technology, another very promising development is looming. But how can it make a positive difference to our lives and the environment? Which ones of today’s challenges can it help to address? Blockchain technology promotes the emergence of new markets that compete with the existing markets, but it can also help the old markets achieve new growth. At the same time, the technology still remains elusive for many decision-makers. Also, there is a dearth of interdisciplinary research approaches that could help to connect the new technological possibilities with the challenges and the practical needs of business and society. The Blockchain Research Lab addresses this gap with its independent and interdisciplinary research.
Experts at the Blockchain Research Lab
For our continued and successful research, we employ a dedicated team of researchers and grant scholarships to high-performance, dedicated and motivated (junior) scientists. Our key strength is the diversity of our research staff in terms of their education and skills. The Blockchain Research Lab employs economists, management scholars, natural scientists, computer scientists and new economy experts.
Social transformation processes are characterized by a high degree of complexity and a strong networking of diverse disciplines. Our scientists embrace the challenges associated with the new technology. Applying sound scientific methodology, we create the substantive groundwork from which to demonstrate both the opportunities and the limits of blockchain technology for society. That way, we aim to facilitate a better understanding of the technology and its applications.
Importance of Science and Research
The promotion of science and research is a major prerequisite for the success of any economy and thus shapes the way in which we will live and work together in the future as a society. The Blockchain Research Lab considers itself a platform for the development and exchange of issues, perspectives, ideas and solutions for the further development and adaptation of the blockchain technology and its consequences for society. With our independent and well-founded scientific findings, we contribute to the preparation of an appropriate and target group-specific basis for decision-making for social, economic and political actors. In doing so, it is important to us to explain complex interrelationships as well as the consequences of measures and decisions in an understandable and clear way.
Who we are
The Blockchain Research Lab employs, both in full time and in part time, researchers with a wide range of backgrounds and skills. We combine technical knowledge with business and societal aspects, and we are convinced that complex social, technological and business issues can be solved with interdisciplinary approaches. We are working towards a common goal and provide our researchers with an interdisciplinary and inspiring working environment.

Kaja Kopiec
Research Associate

Martin Zielinski
Fundraising and Project Acquisition

Jan Willruth
Working Student
Guest researchers

Dr. Simone Casale-Brunet
Guest Researcher

Friedrich-Philipp Wazinski
Guest Researcher

Dr. Benjamin Schellinger
Guest Researcher

Florian Fiedler
Guest Researcher

Felix Eigelshoven
Guest Researcher

Philipp Lüke

Dr. Elias Strehle

Dr. Constantin Fischer

Dr. Marc von Meduna

André Meyer

Christopher Nigischer

Dr. Guénolé Le Pennec
Cooperations with the Blockchain Research Lab
The transfer of knowledge and technology in business and society opens up a number of cooperation opportunities between science, businesses and the public sector.
The following opportunities exist to cooperate with us as a non-profit research institution:
- Together with us you will develop future-oriented technologies, products and services.
- Work with us as a consortium partner in a publicly funded research project.
- We accompany you in your consortium as scientific partner or you accompany us as an industrial partner in our research project.
- Publish a professional article for a scientific journal, trade magazine or a conference together with us.
- We offer our scientific expertise, you offer your expertise and an exciting use case.
- Our experts offer insights into current research and developments in the form of a technical lecture or discussion contribution.
- Together with you, we develop topic- and target group-specific workshops.
- Joint organisation of scientific events.
- Commit yourself to support young scientists and topic-specific scholarships at Blockchain Research Lab.
- Joint supervision of practice-oriented projects and theses in terms of methodology, organization and content.
The cooperation opportunities are intended to foster and to expedite translation of scientific results and research findings into applications for the benefit of society. To initiate joint projects, we do also support the exchange of ideas and promote personal contacts with our scientists. The joint organisation of scientific events are examples of scientific exchange and dialogue.
Become a part of a blockchain ecosystem, that is uniting organisations, individuals and the public sector.
We are open to your suggestions and look forward to a mutual exchange!
Our network