
Das vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) geförderte Projekt STEREO setzt beim Thema Self-Sovereign Identities an. Dies umfasst die Erzeugung und Verknüpfung von sicheren digitalen Identitäten von Dingen und Personen am Beispiel von Fahrzeugen und deren Haltern/-innen sowie deren Nutzer/-innen. Fahrzeughalter/-innen können sich digital über ihr Smartphone oder Tablet identifizieren. Sie nutzen dabei eine ID-Lösung ihrer Wahl und durchschreiten – mit dem im Ergebnis entstehenden digitalen Verfügungsrecht über das Fahrzeug – das Eingangstor dazu. Die digitale Identität des Fahrzeugs dient anschließend als Grundlage für eine Vielzahl von Nutzungsszenarien in der Mobilitätswelt der näheren Zukunft.

Das Kernziel von STEREO ist ein praxisgerechter Ansatz zur Demonstration von sicheren digitalen Identitäten anhand von Anwendungsfällen, die von den beteiligten Konsortialpartnern umgesetzt werden. Auf Blockchain-Technologie basierende IT-Services bereiten die Basis für eine effizientere Mobilität in den ausgewählten Einsatzszenarien von der Fahrzeug-Zulassung bis hin zur täglichen Fahrzeugnutzung. STEREO stellt die einfache und nahtlose Nutzbarkeit digitaler Identitäten her und schafft somit die Basis für eine breite Akzeptanz über verschiedene Anwendungen hinweg. Die Kombination digitaler Identitäten von natürlichen Personen, juristischen Personen und Fahrzeug ermöglicht eine Vielzahl von Vereinfachungen und Automatisierungen. Dadurch adressiert STEREO das Spannungsfeld zwischen Prozessdigitalisierung und Daten- und Rechtssicherheit.


Journal of Manufacturing Systems

A bibliometric review of research on digital identity: Research streams, influential works and future research paths

Abstract: In recent years, potentially disruptive identity-related topics emerged, such as digital twin technology for product lifecycle management or self-sovereign identity (SSI) for sovereign data control. In this study, we identify research streams and emerging trends in academic research on digital identity through a bibliometric analysis of 1,395 peer-reviewed articles and their 44,412 references. We derive seven distinct research streams and their interrelations by means of co-citation analysis. We name the seven research streams: i) Digital twin technology for smart manufacturing and industrial health monitoring, ii) identity-based signcryption schemes, iii) distributed networks and user privacy, iv) user authentication in wireless sensor networks, v) attribute-based encryption schemes, vi) secure data exchange in the Internet of Things and vii) blockchain and smart contracts for secure data management. Each stream’s high-impact publications and its development over time are reviewed and the interrelation between publications and streams are visualized. In addition, we extract directions for future research from the field’s most influential publications. The results offer a comprehensive and systematic overview of publications and discourses in digital identity research.

Keywords: Digital Twin; Internet of Things; Industry 4.0; Blockchain; Smart Manufacturing; Identity Management


Manufacturing Letters

Digital Twin technology for smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0: A bibliometric analysis of the intellectual structure of the research discourse

AbstractThe Digital Twin (DT) concept is gaining increasing attention with the rapid growth of cyber-physical systems and smart manufacturing. DT comprises the digital reflection, replica or identity of physical systems, objects or assets, which, for example, can be used for industrial health monitoring or process optimization and tracking. This study provides an overview of the intellectual discourses of DT research. The 23,419 references of 647 publications on the topic of DT are empirically analyzed using bibliometric methods to identify underlying connections and research streams. Using explorative factor analysis, seven strands of research are objectively identified. These comprise i) DT as paradigm for the virtual representation of real systems, ii) DT for manufacturing processes and human-robot collaboration, iii) cyber-physical systems for coordination between physical and computational elements, iv) Industry 4.0 for the automation of manufacturing and industrial practice, v) relationship extraction and matching in a social manufacturing context, vi) advances in computing and communication technologies and vii) optimization of geometrical variation in spot welding sequences. An objective overview of the DT discourse, its underlying themes and high-impact publications is presented.

Abstractdigital twin; internet of things; cyber-physical system; product lifecycle management; health monitoring; authentication

Suggested citationAnte, L. (2021). Digital Twin technology for smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0: A bibliometric analysis of the intellectual structure of the research discourse. Manufacturing Letters, 27, 96-102. doi:10.1016/j.mfglet.2021.01.003


BRL Report No. 6

Digital Identity and Personal Data in 2020: Citizens‘ Opinions and Motives

Executive summaryBased on a representative survey among 1,000 German adult internet users, this report offers insights about the motivational factors for using digital identity solutions and risk perceptions towards the sharing and provision of personal data online as well as the trust placed in companies and institutions handling personal data. Citizens see “trust” and “actual benefits” of digital identity solutions as the most important motives, whereas “social motives” are subordinate. The highest risk associated with sharing personal data online is perceived to be its undetected usage without consent. Most personal data are provided for authentication while logging into specific online systems. The most trusted organizations handling personal data are friends and family, followed by public authorities and government institutions. The overall level of trust with regard to personal data handling is rather low, whereas the lowest trust is placed in companies’ unknown to them and internet companies.

Suggested citationBlockchain Research Lab (2020). Digital Identity and Personal Data in 2020: Citizens’ Opinions and Motives. BRL Report No. 6.
